Parfin Insights

NG Cash partners with Parfin to bring the world of cryptocurrencies to Generation Z

Date: 28/02/2024

Financial services company geared towards young users partners with platform offering trading, custody, and digital asset management to democratize access for the age group.

"We believe that beyond easy access to financial services, we offer this generation the opportunity to manage their own money in an autonomous, safe way, which is an important step towards solid financial education. We are excited to empower our clients to explore the world of cryptocurrencies and take advantage of the investment opportunities they offer," states Mário Augusto Sá, founder and CEO of NG Cash.


Discover the partnership between Parfin and NG Cash to implement a crypto trading solution offering a user experience unmatched in the market.


The partnership

The partnership enabled the companies to implement a transactional platform in record time, as all the technology required by NG Cash was already offered by Parfin. The Parfin Platform is based on continuous monitoring and unique interoperability, providing even more security and reliability for NG Cash clients' crypto transactions.

The partnership is highly advantageous for both companies: NG Cash enjoyed a swift, robust, and secure implementation, bolstering its foothold among Gen-Zers, while Parfin keeps its cutting-edge position in digital asset infrastructure.



Challenges to reaching a young target audience

NG Cash was looking for a way to optimize its digital asset operations in a safe way and without any financial or reputational risk from counterparties. The initial idea was to offer cryptocurrencies within its platform, targeting an evolving audience very present in the crypto world: Gen Z.

When NG Cash discovered Parfin's portfolio, it understood that the platform was already equipped for crypto trading. Following that, an implementation strategy was created, allowing NG Cash to focus on its core business and the next steps in its business plan.

"Young people born in Brazil between 1995-2010 represent more than 45% of crypto investors, and we’re proud to have built a fast and secure solution for them in partnership with Parfin," says NG Cash’s executive.

NG Cash’s team managed to develop simple and clear navigation that is quite compatible with the target market.


In-house power: the ambition to offer operations internally

Gen-Zers are all about convenience. "Few clicks" is the order of the day for clients of this age group, and with Parfin's products, the company realized it could have a direct, secure, and "in-house" information flow.


More cryptocurrencies? We’ve got you covered!

With the success of the initial operation came the natural need to broaden horizons and extend its reach. Gen-Zers are interested in various digital currencies, both for the transactional models within the gaming space and the potential for diverse financial gains. Through the partnership with Parfin, NG Cash can offer the top traded assets available, according to the company's preferences and strategic demands.


Total security: excellence in risk management

To ensure regulatory compliance and security in operational processes, Parfin adopts rigorous measures, such as robust encryption, continuous monitoring, regular security updates, and efficient data backup. Furthermore, personal data protection and the implementation of multifactor authentication are priorities, following regulations such as the LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Law).

To mitigate cyber risks, Parfin conducts regular audits, establishes partnerships with reliable security service providers, and performs pen testing and attack simulations. An incident response plan is crucial, as is the continuous assessment of emerging risks.


The future in your hands: The NG Cash-Parfin partnership’s market edge

By choosing Parfin, NG Cash gained an edge over the competition in numerous business opportunities. Through Parfin's CaaS (Crypto as a Service), the company offers the best price on each transaction with SOR (Smart Order Routing) technology, which looks for the most beneficial condition among all connected counterparties, providing financial efficiency to the operator. The best price already considers additional costs such as fees, IOF (Tax on Financial Operations), exchange rates, transaction expenses, and spread.


The winning triad: technology, security, and price!

Through its platform, Parfin delivers financial efficiency and modern security control mechanisms, compliance with current regulation, and the ability to integrate with other products for assertive risk management.

In general, Gen Z clients are interested in exploring crypto assets and look for competitive pricing, a robust platform, security assurance, and a user-friendly interface to simplify the user experience. With Parfin's infrastructure and NG Cash's interface, clients get all this in one place.


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